Thank you! for carrying Plethora (tm) Conditions of distribution: If this shareware version of Plethora v2.1 is placed in a catalog, mailing, distribution rack, CD-ROM, or any other means of distribution, then you are REQUIRED to send a copy of the distribution method of your making, with the Plethora program or write up on it, to Brandyware Software at the address below (only required the FIRST time or printing). EXCEPT for CD's, it must be distributed my itself... (no package deals!)!!! (see below) No fee above $5.00 can be charged for it's distribution. You MUST explain the SHAREWARE concept in your distribution method! ----------------------------- Shareware Catalogs.. Dealers YOU MAY NOT place any of our products in your catalog, CD, mailings, or any other means of distribution WITHOUT our knowledge! ----------------------------- If you wish to commercially distribute this program on a CD-ROM, (through mail-order, wholesale, retail, or any other channels), you need to follow these terms and conditions: 1. You explain the shareware concept and describe this program as shareware. 2. You credit Brandyware Software as the publisher of this software in all catalogs, CD's, mailings, and program descriptions. 3. The front-cover packaging must contain the word "Shareware" in large type. 4. The name "Brandyware Software", on the CD-Rom, must appear on the front-cover packaging in large type. 5. No files may be modified or deleted. 6. You must send us a copy of the CD-ROM as soon as it has been manufactured. Thank you! Brandyware Software 1930 S. Westwood St. #47 Mesa, Arizona 85210 602 756-1580 CompuServe ID: 73741,745